Author Guidelines
1. Manuscript Submission Process:
Manuscripts must be submitted through
the IRASS Publisher Online Submission System.
The submission should include the main
manuscript file, abstract, keywords, and any supplementary materials.
Ensure that your manuscript has not
been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another publisher.
2. Manuscript Format:
File Type: Manuscripts should be
submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).
Font: Times New Roman, 12-point font
Page: Set the page size to A4.
Margins: 1-inch margins on all sides.
Pages: The text must be within 30
printable pages. Use a single-column layout.
3. Title Page:
Title: Provide a concise, descriptive
title (up to 15 words).
Author Information:
Full names, affiliations, and ORCID IDs
for all authors.
The corresponding author’s email and
contact information must be clearly indicated.
Acknowledgments: If applicable,
mention any grants, funding sources, or contributions.
4. Abstract & Keywords:
Abstract: The abstract should not
exceed 300 words, providing a brief overview of the research aims methods, key
findings, and conclusions.
Keywords: List 4-6 keywords that
reflect the core content of your manuscript.
5. Body of the Manuscript:
Introduction: Clearly state the purpose,
research questions, and the significance of the study.
Literature Review: Provide a summary
of relevant prior work, identifying gaps your study aims to fill.
Methodology: Describe in detail the
methods used for data collection and analysis.
Results: Present findings in a clear,
concise manner. Use tables and figures where necessary.
Discussion: Interpret the results,
discussing their implications and relevance to existing research.
Conclusion: Summarize the main
findings and suggest directions for future research.
6. Tables and Figures:
Tables: Number tables consecutively in
the text (e.g., Table 1, Table 2). Provide a brief title and explanatory notes
if needed. Ensure that tables are included at the end of the manuscript or in a
separate file.
Figures: Number figures consecutively
in the text (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2). Each figure should include a legend.
High-resolution images are required (minimum of 300 DPI).
7. References:
Follow the APA citation style for all
Ensure all in-text citations are
correctly formatted and appear in the reference list.
8. Ethics and Permissions:
Authors must ensure their work adheres
to ethical guidelines, especially concerning data collection and privacy.
If the manuscript includes material
that requires permission for use (such as previously published tables, figures,
or data), obtain written consent and provide evidence of permission during
9. Plagiarism and Originality:
All manuscripts are checked for
plagiarism using plagiarism detection software.
Submissions found to have more than 20%
similarity with previously published work may be rejected or require
substantial revision.
10. Copyright and Open Access:
Upon acceptance, authors are required
to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement.
IRASS Publisher supports Open Access.
Authors can choose to make their articles open access by paying the applicable
11. Publication Fees:
IRASS Publisher operates on a
fee-based model. Authors are required to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC)
upon acceptance.
Discounts or waivers may be available
for authors from low-income countries or those unable to afford the fees.
12. Proofreading and Final Approval:
Before publication, authors will
receive proofs of their manuscript. Authors must review and approve these
proofs within 2 business days.
Only minor corrections to grammar,
spelling, or formatting will be allowed at the proofing stage.