International Research and Academic scholar society

Zero Carbon Emission must be achieved at the Earliest for Sustained Growth of Our Planet Earth

Sr No:
Page No: 8-16
Language: English
Authors: Bijay Kumar Sharma*
Received: 2025-01-26
Accepted: 2025-02-09
Published Date: 2025-02-13
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In 1750, man-kind moved from agriculture and artisanship era to Industrial era.Carbon dioxide was 280 ppm in the pristine atmosphere. Today man made activities have enhanced the concentration of Carbon Dioxide to 400ppm resulting in Global Warming and Climate Change.The devastating effects of Global Warming and Climate Change are: erratic weather patterns: heat waves, floods, severe storms and hurricanes,loss of polar ice and rising sea levels. Apart from Carbon Dioxide there are water vapour, methane, nitrous oxide and florinated gases. Seeing the formidable challenge to sustainable development strategy The Paris Agreement was signed in 2015 an International Treaty on Climate Change to which 196 Nations and Governments were signatory at COP21. Under Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change [IPCC] 90 countries are covered and 80% global emission are set on zero emission path.At COP26 Glasgow Climate Pact was signed in which India declared a 5 point agenda for achieving net zero emission by 2070. At COP28 Resource Hub, 28th Annual Climate Climate Change conference in Dubai, UAE, 2023 held. 150 countries participated. In 2023, Convention on Biological Diversity was held and High Sea Treaty was signed in June 2023. Frame work convention on Climate Change is keeping track of Climate Change Aid to developing countries . Pathways to zero emission and limiting Global Warming to 1.5 degree centigrade above preindustrial level have been laid down in Climate Change Conferences. Urban Heat Islands have to be dealt with tailored city specific action plans. Nitrous Oxide in Agriculture has to be dealt with by Organic Farming.Water produces 95% of Green House effect. The Water cycle has to be regulated. Indian agenda to help Paris Agreement to achieve its Sustainable Strategic Goals is described.
Keywords: Urban Heat Island; Carbon Dioxide; Methane; Nitrous Oxide; Florinated Gases.

Journal: IRASS Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
ISSN(Online): 3049-0073
Publisher: IRASS Publisher
Frequency: Monthly
Language: English

Zero Carbon Emission must be achieved at the Earliest for Sustained Growth of Our Planet Earth