Evaluation of Antimicrobial Sensitivity of Essential oil from Citrus Sinensis Fruit Peelings and Cupressocyparis Leylandii Leaves on Some Skin Pathogens
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Tchoumtchoua Tiam Gerald Silvere*, Dr Tata Elvis Fon, Esoh Rene Tanwieh, Brain Tarawo Kwinji, Kiranjot Kaur, Awizoba Hodabalo
Published Date:
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: In the majority of African nations, where the health care system has been gradually collapsing due to rising disease rates, conflicts, poverty, starvation, and overall environmental degradation, health care-associated and community infections continue to be an issue. Since the 60s since Cameroon had its independence, the country has not been blessed with a single Drug discovery owned by the state. Purchase of pharmaceutical imported drugs lead to a heavy loss of state revenue, and the development policy has not been focused on available local resources (mainly medicinal plants)
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antimicrobial sensitivity of essential oil extract from Citrus sinensis and Cupressocyparis leylandii on some bacterial and fungal skin pathogens.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We carried out an experimental study that included all the material and reagents: Disposable petri dishes, Wireloop, Incubator, speculum, Commercially prepared powder of nutrient agar, sabouraud dextrose agar and Muller Hinton agar, Alkaline peptone powder, Brain-heart effusion broth, An autoclave, distiller, blender, Dry test tubes, Pasteur pipette.
RESULTS: We isolated pure cultures of Staphylococcus aureus and candida spp for the study. Phytochemical screening results revealed that Oil extract of Cupressocyparis leylandii was highly positive for flavonoids, resins and tannins. It also contained a small amount of glycosides but was negative for alkaloids and saponins. Oil extract of Citrus sinensis was positive for flavonoids, alkaloids, resins, tannins, saponins but lacked glycosides. Essential oil of orange peels was sensitive against Staphylococcus aureus with a diameter of inhibition of 7 mm. Candida spp showed resistance to the extract. Essential oil from cypress was sensitive against Staphylococcus aureus with a diameter of inhibition of 25mm but Candida spp showed resistance
CONCLUSION: This study has proven that the fresh peels of Citrus sinensis and Cupressocyparis leylandii possess chemical compounds that are active against bacteria and it is believed to be a promising source for new antimicrobial agents for cosmetic purposes.
Phytochemicals, antimicrobial sensitivity, skin bacterial pathogens, Citrus sinensis, Cupressocyparis leylandii