Determination of Bacteriological Parameters in Raw water and Treated Water of the Environment of Malali Water Works, Kaduna State, Nigeria
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Abdulazeez, A.M., Agada, J.*, Mohammed, S.A., Saidu, A., Amira, M.K., Idujagi, O.S., Adamu, S.U., Winner, L., Ransom, U.J., Joseph, I.B., Jamila, M.M.
Published Date:
The benefits of portable water are enormous because it is essential for living
organism’s welfare and healthy living. A large number of over 1 billion individuals has been
estimated that they do not have access to useful water and about 2.4 billion the entire population
are short of essential sanitation. This study was set out to determine bacteriological parameters
of raw and treated water within the premises of Malali water works, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Standard techniques were employed to identify and determine some bacteria associated with
water of Malali Water Works, findings were therefore related to permissible limits. The result
showed that Coliform was present both in treated water, E. coli, Salmonella, and Pseudomonas
were only present in raw water. This implies therefore that there were no bacteria observed in
treated water at Malali Water Works, Kaduna State. It can be concluded therefore that treated
water from the Malali water works is of better quality than raw and untreated water. Generally,
treated water in the area is free of the bacteria checked for. Routine research should be
consistently carried out to in Malali Water Works and other places where water is purified for
human consumption.
Water, Bacteria, physico-chemical parameters, contamination, water pollution, water Purification.