Comparative Study of Inorganic Pollutants in Soils Obtained From Selected Farmlands in Millennium City and Unguwan Kudu, Kaduna State, Nigeria
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Mohammed, S.A., Agada, J.*, Abdulazeez, A.M., Joseph, I.B., Amira, M.K., Idujagi, O.S., Jamila, M.M., Winner, L., Ransom, U.J.
Published Date:
Inorganic pollutants are usually substances of mineral origin, with metals and salts
that are found naturally in the environment but have been altered by human anthropogenic
activities thereby increasing their numbers, pervading the environment and becoming toxic due to accumulation in food chain. This research studied the determination and comparison of the levels of inorganic pollutants in soils obtained from selected farmlands in Millennium City and
Unguwan Kudu, Kaduna State. Soils were collected at depths (0-15cm and 15-30cm) for the
months of August and December, transported to the laboratory and prepared for determination of inorganic pollutants and pH as well. The levels of inorganic pollutants were determined and
compared with acceptable international standards (NSDWQ and WHO). pH concentrations of
soils in the month of August were at the alkaline range while neutral range was observed in
December except at 15- 30cm depth at U/Kudu that was at alkaline range. The number of
inorganic pollutants in soil of MC and U/Kudu for the month of August and December had higher concentrations in NO3 (16.60±0.10 and 14.60±0.10) mg/kg and (15.01±0.00 and 12.29±0.22) mg/kg respectively at the same depth of 15-30cm and lowest concentrations was observed in Hg. Each inorganic pollutant was observed to be significantly different across the two sampling sites except in some cases where there were no significant differences. When compared with the permissible limits of NSDWQ and WHO, some of the inorganic pollutants in the soils were above the permissible limit while pH was within the limits. The farmlands therefore might not be good for agricultural purposes, as they contain higher concentrations of some inorganic pollutants suchas (Pb, Cd and Hg).
Inorganic pollutants, soil pollution, heavy metals, farmland fertility, NSDWQ, WHO