Comparative Evaluation of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Raw Water and Treated Water in Malali Water Works, Kaduna State, Nigeria
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Abdulazeez, A.M., Agada, J.*, Mohammed, S.A., Jamila, M.M., Winner, L., Idujagi, O.S., Ransom, U.J., Amira, M.K., Joseph, I.B.
Published Date:
Portable water is essential element for living organism’s welfare and healthy living.
On estimation, a large number of over 1 billion individuals do not have access to safe water and
2.4 billion need essential sanitation. This study seeks to evaluate the physico-chemical of raw and
treated water in Malali water works. Using standard techniques, physico-chemical parameters
were determined and related to permissible limits. The mean temperature of raw water
significantly varied from month to month, with the least temperature recorded in September
(20.7±0.12°C) and highest temperature in March (27.9±0.05°C). The highest temperature of
treated water samples was observed in March (29.1±0.15°C) while the least was recorded in
September (20.7±0.10°C). Total dissolved solids content was between 270.0 and 582.5±9.75
mg/l; lower values were observed in dry season months while higher values occurred in the wet
season. All TDS values for raw water were below the WHO and NSDWQ set limits except in
September where it was higher (582.5mg/L). Fluorides and magnesium were detected but in
minute concentrations below permissible limits. It can be concluded therefore that treated water atthe Malali water works is of better quality than raw untreated water. Generally, treated water at
Malali water works area is less turbid and safe for use.
Water, physic-chemical parameters, contamination, water pollution.